Monday, May 2, 2011

untuk tugas TIK

Name: Niko A. Hakam
NIM: 105120***121001
Sex: Male
Sexual orientation: Straight (I see females as something interesting, and I love females, the real ones)
Address: Indonesia -- since internet is the most insecure place to store (or even post) personal info, I can't post it more than my country.
Phone number: +6281334***4**
Status: Student at one of universities in my area, major: International Relations
Married: not yet
Things I do like: Cats :3   , bakso, Nasgor, duo soybean products: tahu & tempe, games, internet, movies, friendships, quite space, cool but not too cold, fresh, driving a mobile campus especially
Things I don't like(and hate): Dogs, Pork, Pigs, Khamrs(alcoholic drinks), cigarettes and its excrement, noise, driving a big vehicle to campus